HeartMind Tuning: An Authentic Approach to Fearless Leadership

#personal development #podcast 2023 mindset podcast guest podcasts Dec 08, 2023
HeartMind Tuning: An Authentic Approach to Fearless Leadership

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Today on Dominate Your Day, I am thrilled to introduce Kathy Hadizadeh, the founder of HeartMind Tuning. Kathy, originally from Iran, immigrated to the U.S. in her twenties and navigated a successful career in tech, managing multi-million-dollar software development projects. Now, Kathy dedicates her time and expertise to help leaders navigate the corporate world fearlessly and authentically.

Kathy believes that to become a truly inspiring and effective leader, one must cultivate a balance between cognition and intuition, essentially tuning both heart and mind. This realization dawned on Kathy when she noticed how heavily she had started to rely on her brain and knowledge, gradually losing touch with her intuition during her corporate journey of 15 years.

Now, through HeartMind Tuning, Kathy helps her clients develop their leadership skills by cultivating a balance between their analytical thinking and their emotional intelligence. She believes that building confidence, overcoming imposter syndrome, and tackling the feeling of being 'half-baked' are critical in this journey.

Kathy is particularly passionate about supporting women leaders, who, according to studies, suffer from burnout despite being highly engaged in their workplaces. She emphasizes the importance of balancing thorough research and preparation with confident decision-making.

In the rapidly evolving corporate landscape, Kathy sees the future of leadership as 'human-centered'. She emphasizes the need for leaders to connect authentically with their team members, fostering a psychologically safe environment where everyone feels valued and heard. This, combined with leveraging technology and data to enhance leadership development, forms the cornerstone of Kathy's coaching approach.

Kathy’s journey, both personal and professional, and her unique approach to leadership development remind us that being a leader is not just about having a sharp mind, but also about tuning into our hearts. She embodies the idea that with a change in perspective and a commitment to self-awareness, we can indeed redefine leadership for the better.

Episode Minutes:  

1:00 - The origin of HeartMind Tuning

6:00 - The challenges women face in leadership

25:00 - A client’s transformation

Episode Links:

Learn more about Kathy Hadizadeh

 The Strengths Journal

Dana Williams Co. Website

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