Redefining Servant Leadership: A Practical Guide to Mission-Driven, Servant-Hearted, and Business-Minded Leadership

#leadership #podcasts podcast podcast guest podcasts servitude Apr 05, 2024
 Redefining Servant Leadership: A Practical Guide to Mission-Driven, Servant-Hearted, and Business-Minded Leadership

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In today's fast-paced world, the concept of servant leadership is not just refreshing but essential for creating sustainable and impactful organizations. Jon Kidwell's story, as shared on the Dominate Your Day podcast, underscores the transformational power of leading with a servant's heart coupled with a shrewd business mind. His journey from being laid off to founding Leadwell, a company that champions the principles of servant leadership, serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for leaders and coaches who seek to make a meaningful difference in their organizations and communities. 

Kidwell's emphasis on mission-driven initiatives, heartfelt service to others, and a prudent business approach highlight the importance of balancing altruism with pragmatism in today's leadership practices. 

His insights challenge the traditional notions of leadership, paving the way for a new era where leaders are not just in charge but genuinely serve and uplift others towards a shared purpose. This approach not only fosters a positive organizational culture but also ensures sustainable success, making servant leadership a paradigm worthy of emulation in our modern business landscape.

My conversation with Jon culminates in a discussion about his book, "Redefine Your Servant Leadership." Jon shares his motivation behind writing the book and outlines its key takeaways—a practical guide for leaders aspiring to embody mission-driven, servant-hearted, and business-minded leadership.

Episode Minutes:  

4:00 Defining Servant Leadership: Purpose, People, and Performance

19:00 -  The Three Pillars of Redefined Servant Leadership

23:00 - Character, Relationships, and Skills: The Essentials for Servant Leaders

33:00 - The Call to Action for Aspiring Servant Leaders

Episode Links:

Learn more about Jon Kidwell

The Strengths Journal

Dana Williams Co. Website

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