How to Tie in with Your Purpose: An Introvert’s Perspective

podcasts Aug 16, 2022

Jenny Toh is an ICF ACC coach,  a lawyer and a mother of three living in Singapore with a deep passion for helping introverted Christian women find the right balance between the marketplace and the home front. She is also a strong proponent of mental fitness for her clients to achieve their highest level of success with sustained happiness. 

In episode 30 of the Dominate Your Day Podcast, Jenny Toh discusses finding energy from within, as a way to empower introverts through connecting with their purpose. In this episode, you’ll learn… 

  • How to take small steps as an introvert to create snowball rippling effects. 
  • How can introverts rely on their intellection and put their ideas out. 
  • The basics of corporate leaders helping introvert team members. 
  • The joy of being an introvert. 

 Click here to listen to my conversation with Jenny Toh 

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Episode Overview: 

  • 5:24 - The challenges of an introvert- Jenny’s experience as a career Lawyer 
  • 10:07 - Advice for leaders helping introverts 
  • 20:12 - Using your intellection and putting your idea out 

Episode Links: 

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