A Journey of Reinvention and Creating Happier, Healthier Teams

#podcast 2023 podcast guest podcast interview podcasts reinvention teams Oct 13, 2023
A Journey of Reinvention and Creating Happier, Healthier Teams

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Has there ever been a time when doing things differently got you great results? 

We have an exciting episode of Dominate Your Day for you today as we're joined by Alice Inoue, all the way from the beautiful Hawaii- one of my favorite places in the entire world.

Alice has had an incredible journey, with over 42 different career experiences in her lifetime. From being a television personality, a wedding minister, to even founding her own company, "Happiness U", Alice has constantly evolved and reinvented herself.

"Happiness U", or Happiness University, is Alice's vision of a school that teaches the things we often don't learn in traditional institutions- dealing with jealousy, betrayal, failure. It was founded with a community focus, but soon Alice realized that companies too needed these teachings. This led her into the corporate track, providing training around positive mindset, dealing with exasperating people, finding life purpose, among other things.

With her unique personality assessment tool turned team building program, Alice was able to train 300 leaders from all over the world. The tool, based on the Chinese five elements, was a hit in the top organizations and has now become a part of  day-to-day language in top organizations.

Alice's journey is not just about career shifts and self-reinvention. It's about realizing the importance of happiness, wellness, and self-awareness in the workplace, and the role they play in creating healthier, more effective teams. Join us as Alice shares more about her extraordinary journey and her experiences working with organizations such as McDonald's.

Episode Minutes: 

8:00 - Understanding how to talk to people, the “fire person” and “metal person”

12:00 - Helping people change perspective

14:00 - How Alice turned her passion into a career

21:00 - The age you think you are, is the age you actually are

Episode Links:

Learn more about Alice Inoue

 The Strengths Journal

Dana Williams Co. Website

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