Clubhouse Session Resources: Organization Development
Jul 07, 2021
- July 2021: DYD Mods: Back to the Future- Leading in the Post-Pandemic World: Employee Impact
- Present-day assessment articles:
- Employee impact through the Kubler-Ross Change Curve:
- June 2021: Jillian Anderson- How to Return to Work in Your Strengths
- Gallup at Work Summit Presentation- The Hybrid Workplace: Opportunities & Challenges
- 5 main points:
1. The workplace has changed (the future is hybrid)
2. Wellbeing matters (burnout is prevalent)
3. Flexibility is the name of the game (current #1 desired work perk)
4. Think equity at every turn (combat "out of sight, out of mind")
5. Make the workplace worth it (develop a workplace value proposition). How are you cultivating the 4 Cs? Connection, Collaboration, Creativity & Culture
- 5 main points:
- A Leader's Guide to Developing a Work-From-Home Strategy
- How Strengths, Wellbeing, and Engagement Reduce Burnout
- Gallup at Work Summit Presentation- The Hybrid Workplace: Opportunities & Challenges
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