Free Your Heart from Expectations

development Feb 10, 2021

Whether you are single or in a relationship, you can’t escape living in this week’s Valentine’s messaging—but you don't have to live today focused on expectations.

“Expectations are premeditated resentment.” 

This is one of my favorite quotes I learned as a facilitator in marriage workshops, which I believe comes from AA.  I have to repeat this quote to myself often when I am feeling frustrated in my marriage or in my relationships with others.

Releasing your expectations can relieve stress and disappointment you may be feeling

Wow. You mean if I have expectations in my relationships that are not living up to my standards, I am setting myself up for resentment?

Yep. I would take it one step further and say, look at the expectations you have of yourself, and focus on what you are grateful for instead of what has not happened.

It’s all about managing self–which is the hardest thing to do based on what narrative you are telling yourself. 

But how? A life that is created by you being the best version of yourself does not happen by chance, it is you deciding you want to think about things differently

Here are some simple questions to help you get started:

  1. What is one of the beliefs or narratives you are holding on to that is not serving you? Give yourself permission to identify these self-perceptions.
  2. Gain leverage of self – What do you want?  What are you trying to avoid and why? What fear do you need to step into?
  3. Which of your top CliftonStrengths can help you take action as you seek to make changes?
  4. Who can you ask to be an accountability partner or coach to share your journey and help you stay on the right path?   
  5. What are actions you can take daily to measure yourself towards your desired outcomes?

Your mission this week: Study yourself, free up your heart of expectations, and fill your heart with gratitude for yourself and others.

If you need someone to walk alongside you, we are here. Simply go to and sign up for a coaching package.  

You’ve got this!

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