Unsticking Your Career with Charlotte Blair - An Inspirational Journey from IT Sales to Global Coaching

#podcast 2023 podcast guest podcasts strengths Dec 01, 2023
Unsticking Your Career with Charlotte Blair - An Inspirational Journey from IT Sales to Global Coaching

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Welcome to another episode of Dominate Your Day. Today, we're delighted to introduce you to coach and author, Charlotte Blair. Over the years, Charlotte's consistent contributions to the coaching community, coupled with her new book "Career Unstuck," have made her a recognizable figure in the industry.

From the bustling city of Melbourne, Australia, Charlotte has proved that geographical boundaries pose no hindrance to her mission of empowering coaches globally. Besides being a persuasive influencer, she is also a strong advocate of the entrepreneurial spirit that resonates with the ethos of both Texans and Australians. Although of British origin, Charlotte has seamlessly adapted to the Australian lifestyle since her relocation 13 years ago and feels a strong connection with the land.

Charlotte's journey of transformation has been truly inspiring. From being an accomplished sales professional to discovering her true calling as a coach, her career transition serves as a beacon of hope to many others looking to pivot. The turning point in her journey was Stephen Covey's "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, which compelled her to introspect deeply about her life's purpose. This self-reflection led her to the realization that she wanted to be more than just an IT salesperson and sought to make a meaningful impact on people's lives.

Over the years, Charlotte has brilliantly leveraged her top ten unique CliftonStrengths - Activator, Woo, Command, Arranger, Positivity, Responsibility, Communication, Maximizer, Individualization, and Significance. These have enabled her to make substantial headway in her career transition and also helped her to support others on a similar journey. She emphasizes the importance of having a strong support network and making the necessary asks to move forward.

Remember, as Charlotte says, it's all about putting on your brave pants and having the courage to ask for help. So, if you're someone contemplating a career pivot or feeling stuck in your present role, this episode is just for you. Tune in and let's all learn from Charlotte's inspiring journey.

Episode Minutes:

3:00 - The spark that led to coaching

15:00 - Overcoming labels and embracing dyslexia

22:00 - Helping others who are stuck

Episode Links:

Learn more about Charlotte Blair

 The Strengths Journal

Dana Williams Co. Website

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