From Prominence to Prestige: Jane Hanson's Inspirational Journey

#personal development #podcast 2023 guest podcast guest podcasts Oct 27, 2023
From Prominence to Prestige: Jane Hanson's Inspirational Journey

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Have you ever wondered what it takes to rise from humble beginnings to become an award-winning broadcast journalist? Today on Dominate Your Day, we got to delve into this journey with Jane Hanson, a name you might recognize from her illustrious 30-year career in journalism. Born and raised in rural Minnesota, Jane's curiosity to explore the world was ignited by her father who read her newspaper articles and discussed current events. This early exposure laid the foundation for Jane's pursuit of a career in broadcast journalism.

Jane's career began in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, covering stories in Indian Reservations. Despite the challenges of being one of the few women in the field at the time, she persevered, making her way to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. It was there that talent scouts noticed her potential and she was offered a position at NBC in New York City.

The move to New York was an enormous leap, taking her from a young reporter in the Midwest to working with veteran journalists in one of the world's media capitals. From her early days as a ‘green behind the ears’ reporter, Jane learned valuable lessons from her colleagues and mentors and evolved into an Emmy Award winning journalist. One key takeaway she shared is, "Don't be afraid to ask people for help."

Today, Jane still embraces her journalistic roots, writing for Forbes, while also using her skills to help others improve their communication abilities. Her story is a testament to the power of courage, perseverance, and the willingness to learn. As we reflect on our own journeys, we can draw immense inspiration from Jane's story.

Episode Minutes

11:00 - Helping people bring clarity to their communications

16:00 - Nonverbal clues to think about when communicating with others

23:00 - Helping people be their authentic selves

Episode Links:

Learn more about Jane Hanson

 The Strengths Journal

Dana Williams Co. Website

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