Humanizing the Workplace with Ulrike Seminati

#leadership 2023 podcast podcast guest podcast interview podcasts Nov 24, 2023
Humanizing the Workplace with Ulrike Seminati

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Welcome to another episode of Dominate Your Day. Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to Ulrike Seminati, joining me all the way from Switzerland via Germany and France. With a unique blend of determination and empathy, Ulrike is on a mission to humanize the workplace and foster diversity.

Ulrike's work primarily focuses on transforming how we perceive people, especially those diverging from the stereotypical leader or future talent profiles. "We need to change how we see people who differ from typical leaders, those that have been the norm for decades," says Ulrike. In a world saturated with change, she believes it's critical to embrace and acknowledge every individual's unique strengths instead of pressuring them to fit into a predetermined mold.

Ulrike's passion for creating workplace environments where every individual thrives, regardless of their backgrounds and profiles, stems from her own 23-year corporate journey. "I was running global campaigns all over the globe, and once I reached the C-level of a multinational pharmaceutical company, I realized that no amount of gloss and glamor in corporate communications could compensate for the lack of human-to-human, authentic communication," she recalls.

The core of Ulrike's approach is understanding the four motivational drivers of the limbic brain which influence our responses and decisions. By helping leaders understand these motivational drivers, she equips them to navigate the complexities of human communication in their organizations.

In an era where hybrid teams and chaotic times have become the norm, leaders play a pivotal role in an organization's success. Ulrike's motivational driver-based approach offers leaders a unique opportunity to truly understand their teams, drive engagement, and lead with authenticity. She concludes by challenging the stereotypes around leadership, "The typical leader profile is often associated with dominance, status, and power.”

To learn more about the other profiles and insights from Ulrike, listen in to Dominate Your Day.

Episode Minutes:

7:00 - The Limbic Brain

15:00 - Helping a leader manage change

22:00 - Procrastination and helping people through it


Episode Links:

Learn more about Ulrike Seminati

 The Strengths Journal

Dana Williams Co. Website

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